For immediate release

18 June 2019
The National Association of South African Workers emerges at a time when workers here at home and beyond are yearning for an alternative voice in different spaces of works. Our struggle began with the fight against the demon of outsourcing working men and women of our country by employers. We said then that outsourcing must fall and because of our aggressive approach and hatred for injustice we are making significant inroads in that front.

Our day to day groundwork and radical approach against exploitation has gained resonance. The mandate from all and sundry is that we must swallow spaces and ranks, root out slavery and force the hand of all employers to comply with the law.
We are therefore making this statement to inform the South African working class, the most dejected and exploited of our people that NASA Workers is now registered as a Union. This registration brings an end to the overt arrogance of many employers we have had to deal with. It brings an end to continuous victimization of our members under the pretext that they are subscribed to an unregistered union.

Racist employers will have no chance, under our stewardship they will not breath a moment. Workers of South Africa unite behind the banner of NASA Workers, you have nothing to lose but your dignity to gain. The registrar of the department is satisfied that NASA is indeed a genuine union as it is provided in section 95 of the LRA.

“To be radical is to grasp things by the root.”

Mpho Morolane
NASA-Workers General Secretary
Electronically signed

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